Piping systems are generally designed based on codes and standards. The knowledge of codes and standard are important for the selection of proper material of construction and to develop the material specification. To avoid unnecessary and undesirable differences in piping systems, components and procedures, Standardization is required as it reduces cost, inconvenience and confusion. These standards are published by professional societies, committees and trade organizations. The purpose of each code is to maintain personal and industrial safety in a particular activity or equipment. A code is basically a standard accepted by government and are often developed by the same organization that develop standards. These organizations develop Recommended Practices which are considered as good engineering practices while designing the piping systems.
A set of general rules or systematic procedures developed for design, fabrication, installation and inspection prepared in such a way that it can be adopted by legal jurisdiction and made into law.
Standards are prepared by professional group or committee. They are set of documents which are believed to be proper and good engineering practice and which contain mandatory requirement.
Recommended Practices:
Recommended Practices are also prepared by professional group or committee. They are set of documents which are believed to be proper and good engineering practice but which are optional.
Apart being considered as regulations, Codes and Standards shall be considered as a ‘design aids’ since they provide guidance from experts.
For design and selection of equipment and piping systems, each country has its own code and standard but they can follow code and standards developed by other countries. The most commonly used is American National standards. Other than American there are British, German, Japanese standards etc available. The major organizations for standards are:
Sr.No | Country | Abbreviation | Organization |
1 |
American | ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
2 |
Canada | SCC | Standard Council of Canada |
3 |
France | AFNOR | Association Francaise |
4 |
British | BSI | British Standards Institute |
5 |
Europe | CEN | Committee of European Normalization |
8 |
Germany | DIN | Deutsches Institute Fur Normung |
7 |
Japan | JIS | Japanese Industrial Standards Committee |
8 |
India | BIS | Bureau of Indian Standards |
9 |
Worldwide | ISO | International Organization for Standards |
Following the codes and standards reduces significant cost while designing the piping systems. So it’s more like “Do right things in first place”.
Further reading:
British codes and standards to design piping systems.