Minimum Pipe Spacing Chart

In petrochemical & refinery plants there are many pipes which are running from source to destination. In most of the cases there is pipe rack between the plant units which carry these pipes and distribute it across the plant. When the pipes are running next to each other there should be some minimum spacing between the pipes so that there shall be no clash between the pipes during construction.

The basic principle for spacing the pipes adjacent to each other is:

Centre to centre between the pipes = half O/D (outside diameter) of the bigger size pipe flange + Insulation thickness of bigger size pipe (if applicable) + 25mm + half O/D (outside diameter) of the smaller size pipe + Insulation thickness of smaller size pipe(if applicable).

150 200 250 300 350
150# 300# 600# 150# 300# 600# 150# 300# 600# 150# 300# 600# 150# 300# 600#
25 190 205 230 215 240 255 255 265 305 295 305 330 320 345 355
40 190 215 230 230 240 265 255 280 305 295 320 330 320 345 355
50 205 215 240 230 255 265 265 280 320 305 320 345 330 355 370
80 215 230 255 240 265 280 280 295 330 320 330 355 345 370 380
100 230 240 265 255 280 295 295 305 345 330 345 370 355 380 395
150 255 280 295 295 305 330 320 345 370 355 380 395 380 405 420
200 280 305 320 320 330 355 345 370 395 380 405 420 405 430 445
250 305 330 345 345 355 380 370 395 420 405 430 445 430 460 470
300 330 355 370 370 380 405 395 420 445 430 460 470 460 485 495
350 345 370 380 380 395 420 405 430 460 445 470 485 470 495 510
400 370 395 405 405 420 445 430 460 485 470 495 510 495 520 535
450 395 420 430 430 445 470 460 485 510 495 520 535 520 545 560
500 420 445 460 460 470 495 485 510 535 520 545 560 545 570 585
550 445 470 485 485 495 520 510 535 560 545 570 585 570 595 610
600 470 495 510 510 520 545 535 560 585 570 595 610 595 625 635
650 495 520 535 535 545 570 560 585 610 595 625 635 625 650 660
700 520 545 560 560 570 595 585 610 635 625 650 660 650 675 685
750 545 570 585 585 595 625 610 635 660 650 675 685 675 700 710
800 570 595 610 610 625 650 635 660 685 675 700 710 700 725 735
850 595 625 635 635 650 675 660 685 710 700 725 735 725 750 760
900 625 650 660 660 675 700 685 710 735 725 750 760 750 775 790
1050 700 725 735 735 750 775 760 790 815 800 825 840 825 850 865

400 450 500 550 600
150# 300# 600# 150# 300# 600# 150# 300# 600# 150# 300# 600# 150# 300# 600#
25 345 370 395 370 405 420 395 430 460 420 470 485 460 510 520
40 355 380 395 370 405 430 405 445 460 430 470 495 460 510 520
50 355 380 405 380 420 430 405 445 470 430 485 495 470 520 535
80 370 395 420 395 430 445 420 460 485 445 495 510 485 535 545
100 380 405 430 405 445 460 430 470 495 460 510 520 495 545 560
150 420 445 460 430 470 485 470 510 520 495 535 545 520 570 585
200 445 470 485 460 495 510 495 535 545 520 560 570 545 595 610
250 470 495 510 485 520 535 520 560 570 545 585 595 570 625 635
300 495 520 535 510 545 560 545 585 595 570 610 625 595 650 660
350 510 535 545 520 560 585 560 595 610 585 625 650 610 660 675
400 535 560 570 545 585 610 585 625 635 610 650 675 635 685 700
450 560 585 595 570 610 635 610 650 660 635 675 700 660 710 725
500 585 610 625 595 635 660 635 675 685 660 700 725 685 735 750
550 610 635 650 625 660 685 660 700 710 685 725 750 710 760 775
600 635 660 675 650 685 710 685 725 735 710 750 775 735 790 800
650 660 685 700 675 710 735 710 750 760 735 775 800 760 815 825
700 685 710 725 700 735 760 735 775 790 760 800 825 790 840 850
750 710 735 750 725 760 790 760 800 815 790 825 850 815 865 875
800 735 760 775 750 790 815 790 825 840 815 850 875 840 890 900
850 760 790 800 775 815 840 815 850 865 840 875 900 865 915 930
900 790 815 825 800 840 865 840 875 890 865 900 930 890 940 955
1050 865 890 900 875 915 940 915 955 965 940 980 1005 965 1015 1030

650 700 750 800 850
150 # 300 # 600 # 150 # 300 # 600 # 150 # 300 # 600 # 150 # 300 # 600 # 150 # 300 # 600 #
25 485 535 560 510 570 585 545 595 610 585 625 650 610 650 675
40 495 545 560 520 570 595 545 595 625 585 635 650 610 660 675
50 495 545 570 520 585 595 560 610 625 595 635 660 625 660 685
80 510 560 585 535 595 610 570 625 635 610 650 675 635 675 700
100 520 570 595 545 610 625 585 635 650 625 660 685 650 685 710
150 545 595 625 585 635 650 610 660 685 650 685 710 675 725 735
200 570 625 650 610 660 675 635 685 710 675 710 735 700 750 760
250 595 650 675 635 685 700 660 710 735 700 735 760 725 775 790
300 625 675 700 660 710 725 685 735 760 725 760 790 750 800 815
350 650 700 710 675 725 750 700 750 775 735 790 800 760 815 825
400 675 725 735 700 750 775 725 775 800 760 815 825 790 840 850
450 700 750 760 725 775 800 750 800 825 790 840 850 815 865 875
500 725 775 790 750 800 825 775 825 850 825 865 875 840 890 900
550 750 800 815 775 825 850 800 850 875 840 890 900 865 915 930
600 775 825 840 800 850 875 825 875 900 865 915 930 890 940 955
650 800 850 865 825 875 900 850 900 930 890 940 955 915 965 980
700 825 875 890 850 900 930 875 930 955 915 965 980 940 990 1005
750 850 900 915 875 930 955 900 955 980 940 990 1005 965 1015 1030
800 875 930 940 900 955 980 930 980 1005 965 1015 1030 990 1040 1055
850 900 955 965 930 980 1005 955 1005 1030 990 1040 1055 1015 1065 1080
900 930 980 990 955 1005 1030 980 1030 1055 1015 1065 1080 1040 1095 1105
1050 1005 1055 1065 1030 1080 1105 1055 1105 1130 1095 1145 1155 1120 1170 1180

NOMINAL PIPE SIZE ( Millimeters ) AND FLANGE RATING 1. Spacing based on min. clearance of 25 mm between flange of one pipe and outside dia of adjacent pipe.
2. All dimensions shown in millimeters.
3. If pipes are insulated add insulation thickness to above dimensions.
4. To arrive at spacing between two pipes of different flange ratings refer to tables of both pipes and use the larger of the two distances.

To Determine spacing between 150 NB Pipe 150# flange rating and a 100 NB pipe With 600# flange rating.

  • For 150 NB pipe and 100NB 600# flange Rating spacing = 255mm.
  • For 100 NB pipe and 150 NB150# flange Rating spacing =230mm.

Consider the maximum distances from 2 cases. The spacing between the 2 lines = 255mm

5. Flanges and or valves in adjacent lines must be staggered.
6. Lines with tapped orifice flanges shall be given special consideration.
7. Where sideways thermal movement occurs must be so spaced that in either the expanded or contracted position adjacent pipes maintain minimum clearance specified.

900 1050
150 # 300 # 600 # 150 # 300 # 600#
25 635 685 710 725 775 800
40 635 685 710 725 775 800
50 650 700 725 735 790 815
80 660 710 735 750 800 825
100 675 725 750 760 815 840
150 700 750 775 790 840 865
200 725 775 800 815 865 890
250 750 800 825 840 890 915
300 775 825 850 865 915 940
350 790 840 865 875 930 955
400 815 865 890 900 955 980
450 840 890 915 930 980 1005
500 865 915 940 955 1005 1030
550 890 940 965 980 1030 1055
600 915 965 990 1005 1055 1080
650 940 990 1015 1030 1080 1105
700 965 1015 1040 1055 1105 1130
750 990 1040 1065 1080 1130 1155
800 1015 1065 1095 1105 1155 1180
850 1040 1095 1120 1130 1180 1205
900 1065 1120 1145 1155 1205 1230
1050 1145 1195 1220 1230 1285 1310


  1. where reference that aplicable with this ?